Sanctuary tallit
Sanctuary tallit
This tallit design features a 1918 tile in the Moorish style from the sanctuary of B’nai Jeshurun on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Along the sides of the tallit are the words “Da lilfnei mi atah omed”—“Know before whom you stand.” I used to find the phrase, often inscribed over the Aron, the Ark that houses the Torah scrolls, very intimidating. It made me think of God as spy and harsh overseer, always judging. But I came to understand these words as a reminder that God is like a tallit, constantly offering the gift of being embraced and surrounded by strength and love. Here's a 1-minute video about my inspiration for designing this tallit.
Material: Medium-weight cotton and satin trim. Size: 72" long x 24" wide, designed to be warn shawl-style. They're a comfortable size for men and women alike. Please see the F.A.Q. page for more information about how Goren Judaica tallitot are made, and options for customization.