Or Hadash/New Light tallit
Or Hadash/New Light tallit
This tallit design is based on a stained-glass window in the sanctuary of B’nai Jeshurun in Manhattan that illustrates part of the creation story. When the synagogue first began to livestream services during the pandemic, this window was always visible behind service leaders. The image of the sun metaphorically rising both in the evening and the morning served as a profound affirmation for me, reinforcing the rabbis' words of support and strength during those scary weeks and months. On the back of this tallit are words (in red, curving above the sun) from the first of two blessings we say in the morning before we recite the Shema prayer:
Or hadash al tziyon ta-ir v’nizkeh khulanu m’heirah l’oro.
Cause a new l light to shine on Zion, and may we all soon be worthy of its illumination.
Each tallit comes with a matching zippered tallit bag (see last photo), printed on both sides and machine-washable. (Please note that this bag is not hand-sewn, but rather manufactured from my design by a production partner.)
Material: Medium-weight cotton and satin trim. Size: 72" long x 24" wide, designed to be warn shawl-style. They're a comfortable size for men and women alike. Please see the F.A.Q. page for more information about how Goren Judaica tallitot are made, and options for customization.