Kol/Voice tallit
Kol/Voice tallit
What does the voice of God sound like? I have no idea, but when we sing Psalm 29 during the Shabbat evening service I can almost see it reflected in the voice of our hazzan: deep, warm reds and purples mixed with cool, strong hues of air and sea, punctuated by wide, curving swaths of light.
Text (extending down the back of the tallit): Psalm 29: 7-8
The voice of God hews flames of fire
The voice of God makes the wilderness shake
Each tallit comes with a matching zippered tallit bag (see last photo), printed on both sides and machine-washable. (Please note that this bag is not hand-sewn, but rather manufactured from my design by a production partner.)
Material: Medium-weight cotton and satin trim. Size: 72" long x 24" wide, designed to be warn shawl-style. They're a comfortable size for men and women alike. Please see the F.A.Q. page for more information about how Goren Judaica tallitot are made, and options for customization.